K-12 Energy Curriculum Development
Affordable, reliable energy is the lifeblood of Texas and our nation: powering our vehicles, heating our homes, essential in hospitals, contributing to our clothing, and fueling our economy. As such, Texas Energy Council requests your generous investment into a two-part plan to create and disseminate energy curriculum to K-12 students and energy industry employees. The proposal below describes two phases of funding opportunities at various levels of investment to raise America’s energy IQ.
Phase one includes building K – 12 teacher energy education lesson plans for Texas to be taught in classrooms. These Lesson Plans will align with state standards and ensure students master grade-level Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for math, science, social studies, and English. These topics include types of energy resources, cost-benefit analysis, reducing global energy poverty, and explaining the critical role of energy. Teachers will receive Continuing Education hours for participating in TEC’s Lesson Plan Instruction.
Phase two includes building a curriculum for energy industry employees who have worked tirelessly to guarantee prosperity and human flourishing by providing reliable, affordable energy. This curriculum will build employee morale and improve employee retention by clearly articulating the value that their work adds to fueling Texas and alleviating global energy poverty. This project is essential to building a motivated, robust workforce and ensuring that the energy industry in Texas continues to have the necessary workforce to thrive and will be platformed on a learning management system that can be accessed by any industry professional.
Contributions may be sent to:
Texas Energy Council
P.O. Box 600466
Dallas, Texas 75360
Attn: Energy Curriculum Development (ECD)